We laughed, we cried, we judged...
16) The Eminem And MC Scandal - Em, as talented as you may be (one of the best rappers out there, no doubt), it's kinda hard to believe you with your track record. And we've got our girl's back on this. Why You So Obsessed With Me... Team MC all the way...
17) The Death Of The O.C. - a fine example of how no show is safe. One of the most popular shows of the early noughties, this met an end after its fourth season. We knew killing off Marissa was a bad idea...
18) L.C. Leaving The Hills: Kristen's Return Underwhelms - After more than five years in the spotlight, Lauren left the Hills, leaving us with Kristen as a replacement, who stupidly reminds everyone of just how fake the whole thing has become at every opportunity... Honestly...
19) Jon And Kate Gosselin's divorce - Why are these two famous again?
20) The Success Of Crazy Frog - funny at first, annoying after a week.
21) The Rise Of Reality TV Competitions : ANTM, American Idol, X Factor, BGT, AGT - everyone's guilty pleasure.
22) Jordan & Peter's Messy Divorce - Arguably the most acrimonious split since Christie Brinkley and Peter Cook. Ugly from start to bitter end.
23) The Union Of TomKat - can't stand Katie, now. Used to really like her back when she wasn't trying to be the fabulous VB. Have always loved Tom.
24) The Whole F'ed Up Rebecca Loos/ VB/ Becks Thing - We love you, Becks, but shame on you. Shame. On. You.
25) Brad And Jen's BreakUp, The Union Of Brangelina - noone's really quite sure what happened here... But it's still given us some v. good entertainment for the last few years, along with the birth of one of Hollywood's most powerful couples...
26) JLO's Various BreakUps And MakeUps - but at least she found the right guy in the end. Are you listening, Janiston?
27) The Rise Of Our Simon Cowell - TV's Mr Nasty, often imitated, never successfully. The guy most love to hate, but we just plain love. Here's to another kick-arse decade, Mr Cowell.
28) The Rise Of The Book-Turned-Movies; Harry Potter, Twlight, The Da Vinci Code - love. Love. LOVE.
29) The Rise, Fall And Subsequent Cancellation Of Big Brother - The End Of An Era. A moment of silence, please.
30) Mariah's Breakdown, Followed By One Of The Biggest Comebacks Ever Seen - MC you the ISH...
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