Yes, we're back, bitches. Missed us? We know you have...
So, to make up for it, we've posted below some more of our most memorable moments of the last decade...
31) The Shocking Photos O
f Kate Moss Snorting Coke - The Mirror will forever go down in infamy for this. But you can't keep a bad girl down. Not for long, anyway. This bish made more money in the 07 than in any other year of her career. She made a bigger comeback than the eighties. And, for that alone, we salute you, Kate.
32) Paris Hilton's Biggest Starring Role: A Night In Paris - The tape that started the craze of the celebrity sex tape, and paved the way for bigger douches to release videos of them and their exes (shout out to Z-lister, Ray J here).
33) The Union And Subsequent Breakup Of Blake And Amy - the only thing we kinda miss from their relationship was the music - the genius Back To Black - still waiting on that next album, Amy.
34) Jade Goody's Tragic Battle With Cancer - no words. A moment of silence, please.
35) MJ's Second Paedophilia Trial - of which he was, naturally, acquitted. Cause the man was innocent, but sadly misguided when it came to making friends with obvious golddiggers...
36) Those Shocking Photos Of Whitney Houston's House - we were shocked. SHOCKED. But at least she was inspired to break up that disaster of a marriage to whatshisname and get her life back on track, with a subsequent #1 album and upcoming world tour.
37) The Tsunami - again, a moment of silence, please.
38) London Transport Closing Down For The First Time In January 09 - WACK. WACK. WACK. But at least we had an excuse for not showing up to work, school, anywhere, really. *Sigh* life was good...
39) The Deepest Recession Since The War - we won't bore you, cause we know by now you must have heard more than enough about it. So we'll move on swiftly...
40) Hurricane Katrina - Tragic, and handled terribly by the government (and inspired one of Kanye's infamous rants, Bush Hates Black) a moment of silence, please.
41) 9/11 - tragic. A moment of silence, please.
42) The Split Of POP Britney And POP Justin - One of pop's most famous and beloved couples. We still feel their break up almost eight years later. For those of you still holding out hope for a reunion, let it go. That ship has sailed out the harbour.
43) Cassie's Shambolic BET Performance - yes, we know you don't remember who this chick is. For those that need a reminder of how bad she actually is, head over to youtube and type in Cassie. BET. Don't worry, we'll wait.
44) The Breakup And Makeup Of Paris And Nicole - thank God they're besties again. They're the female Ben and Matt.
45) The Rise Of Youtube, Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, Twitter - where would we be without any of these? Our lives before these were a lot less fulfilled....
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