Wednesday 2 December 2009

SNEAK PREVIEW: Chuck's Kick-Arse Third Season

SNEAK PREVIEW: Chuck's Kick-Arse Third Season

After being made to endure a Chuck-less hell by those party-poopers over at NBC, we are preparing to say all is forgiven.


YES, one of our favourite shows is coming back to air in the New Year, YES, it looks like it could be the best season so far (if you haven't watched the preview, DO SO NOW), YES, we cannawt wait until it hits our screens again, BUT, all those things are almost negated by the fact that Chuck (now set to air Mondays at 8pm) is going up against some pretty heavy hitters: How I Met Your Mother, The Bachelor, House (but, we forgive this show, 'cause man do we love us some Gregory) and that never-ending One Tree Hill.

Come awn, NBC. Just when we were about to let you off the hook...

Still can't complain...

Our favourite almost spy is back!

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