Thursday 17 December 2009

VIDEO PREMIERE: Rihanna Tries To Go On Hard

VIDEO PREMIERE: Rihanna Tries To Go On Hard

Hard, Rhi? Sorry, we just don't believe you.

While the directing is admittedly on point - shout out to our girl, Melina - Rhi just doesn't come across as believable at all. She doesn't even look like she believes what she's singing herself. While she may look good - no shade here - she ain't carrying off the image.

Lil Kim is hard.

MJB is hard.

Foxy Brown is hard.

Rihanna is not hard. And that's the way it's gonna stay.

Plus point? We love the song - and Jeezy is doing his thing on the 16 bar.

Looks like Rhi's rain (and, yes, that is the version meant in the song - hollaback to the sickness that was Umbrella) is letting up a little sooner than expected...

1 comment:

  1. Rihanna did an alright job, but she could've been a lot more original with the video, maybe had more of her own style, less Lady GaGa's style
